
Grimaldi Nocciola & Co > Products

Our Products

All the products of Grimaldi Nocciola & amp; Co. are gluten-free. Moreover, they do not contain Genetically Modified Organisms nor have they been subjected to manipulations or processes that foresee their use (2006/1829 / CE – 2006/1830 / CE).

“Tonda di Giffoni” Hazelnut

The toasted “Tonda di Giffoni” hazelnut is characterized by its intense aroma deriving from a perfect blending of taste of caramel and bread crunch. It has a typically crispy taste and a sweet and persistent flavor. The toasted hazelnut best expresses its properties when tasted as is, best if served with a dessert wine. However its baking properties range from sweet to savory preparations.


Sorrento Walnut

The “Sorrento “Walnut is characterized by an intense and pleasant aroma, it best expresses its properties when served with semi-mature cheeses, robust red wines and salads.


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